Sedgemoor POA Board of Directors Meeting
January 8, 2020

Present: Barbara Lewis, Bill Beaudin, Jim Miller, John Kirkman, Lisa Roberts, Chris Viverette, Pat Diepold.

Meeting was called to order by Barbara Lewis at 3:30 PM at the fire station.

Approval of minutes: Motion was made by Jim Miller, seconded by Chris Viverette, and minutes of December 2019 meeting were approved. Pat will be working to update the Sedgemoor website. The old information will be taken off and current information added. Information on the website will include list of current BOD members and contact information, monthly BOD meeting minutes, pool information, calendar of social events, architectural committee documents, by-laws and r&r’s, resident lists, link to CTA website.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill Beaudin reported a balance of $136,849.49 in the Sedgemoor accounts. Assessments are coming in and he has deposited $18,256 this week. He will visit the tax office to find the new owner of one unimproved lot so assessment notice can be mailed.

CTA: Jim Miller attended the CTA meeting last night. Elections of CTA officers were held. All POA payments were due January 3. Bill confirmed Sedgemoor payment was made. There will be CERT training in March. The CTA minutes are posted on the CTA website after approval.

Social: Lisa Roberts welcomed the Suslik family on Perth Drive. She asked for recommendations for senior citizen activities in the area and the Enrichment Center was suggested as a resource. Lisa will be sending information to those who have volunteered to host a monthy dinner this year. It was discussed that we have the option of having our dinner at local restaurants as well as CTCC. The information for each month can be sent to Pat to distribute to all residents by email.

Architectural: John Kirkman reported that letters were sent to residents at 503, 528, and 3211 about improperly parked vehicles. All have complied and are parking only on their driveways. He has also contacted lot 3309 about two dead trees which need to be removed. The owner will remove them. The fence at 3234 has not been removed. As stated last month another letter has been sent to the owner and fines will be assessed backdated to August. John asked the board members to notify him of any issues in the community that may require his attention.

Facilities Maintenance: In response to Lisa’s question about keeping the pool open into October, Chris reported on the cost of doing so. The cost of running the pool (electricity, water, phone, cleaning charges) is approximately $300 per week. Our budget for 2020 is for 17 weeks of operation from mid May to mid September. This year we will close in mid September. We can discuss this possibility for future years keeping in mind that an increase in cost would increase our POA assessment. Chris reported that he put up and removed the Christmas lights at the pool and contracted for our debris pickup. He will be training William Zimmer in the hiring and bill handling for contractors for our pool and roads needs. Bill Beaudin asked about budget for pool and roads being combined as facilities but it was decided to keep them separate. Chris shared a thank you note he received from the Cobbs for neighbors who brought them food and another from Mr. Gunter for the gift card.

New Business: The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 3:30 at the fire station.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Pat Diepold, Secretary

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